Peter I Island DXpedition 2027

2027: Peter I Island DXpedition

Please note: the callsign and license will be confirmed later.

Peter I Island DXpedition 2027

We plan to activate Peter I Island in February 2027 with a team of 19 operators. We have signed a financial agreement with a private group about sharing the cost for this DX-pedition. The DX-pedition budget and our share is around $825,000, of which we must deposit $340,000 in 2024.

Landing permit

The team received the landing permit for an amateur radio DX-pedition to Peter I Island from Norwegian Polar Institute in April 2024.

The Norwegian Polar Institute has spent 3 months assessing our plans thoroughly. Our 50-page documentation material included:

-DX-pedition plans and schedule;

-credentials of the Expedition Contractor Spirit of Sydney, and Expedition Leader Darrell Day;

-safety and emergency preparedness plans;

-environmental assessment;

-safety and risk assessment and mitigation plan;

-search and rescue insurance policies for team and vessel;

-plans for rationing water, food, fuel and heating in case of emergency;

-CV of Team Doctor (Mike, AB5EB);

-CV of Assistant Expedition Leader and Medical Doctor Daniela Silvestre;

-vessel technical data and logistics plan;

-biosecurity instructions;

-IAATO do not pack a pest procedures;

-IAATO boot, clothing, and equipment decontamination procedures;

-Helicopter documents.

Teaming up with Spirit of Sydney Antarctic Expeditions

Spirit of Sydney Antarctic Expeditions has an amazing track record and more than 25 years of experience leading difficult Expeditions to Antarctica.

They will supply us with one Expedition Leader, Darrel Day, and one Assistant Expedition Leader, Daniela Silvestre. Darrel has successfully landed three times on Peter I Island, and Daniela is trained to deal with most any kind of emergency situation that may arise in such an isolated location

Darrel has supported more than 80 expeditions to Antarctica! With well over two decades of experience in Antarctic yacht expedition support and Ice Piloting, permitting, lecturing, consulting for aviation projects, submersibles, expedition ships and superyacht voyages, his experience is a game changer for our project.

Spirit of Sydney will select the helicopter pilots, who also have proven experience from landing at Peter I Island. Spirit of Sydney is also responsible for permitting all marine, aviation and logistics activities within Antarctica, and responsible for coordinating the vessel and helicopter operation on our behalf.

DX-pedition Schedule February 2027

  • Equipment returned from the 3Y0K Bouvet will be stored in Punta Arenas by early 2026.
  • Loading of equipment onto vessel in Punta Arenas around summer 2026.
  • Fly from Punta Arenas to King George Island (KGI), South Shetland: 28 January 2027.
  • Vessel from KGI to Peter I and return.
  • Allocated to spend 20 to 22 days around and on the island, weather dependent.
  • Team of 19 operators going onshore with 2 helicopters.
  • Planned to stay on the island for 14 to 18 days.
  • Return flight from KGI back to Punta Arenas: 26 February 2027.

ClubLog #8 most wanted DXCC entity (Soon to be # 7)

Breaking News

We will go to Peter I with a large vessel and two helicopters, and the DX-pedition will be led by an external Expedition Leader from Spirit of Sydney Antarctic Expeditions.

The capacity of the Expedition Leader and the vessel have been reviewed and approved by Norwegian Polar Institute and form the basis of the landing permit received in April 2024. With this and the external resources involved, we are ready to move forward negotiating and signing the contracts.

Expedition Leader: Darrel Day & Assistant Expedition Leader: Daniela Silvestre, Spirit of Sydney Antarctic Expeditions

Team Leader: Ken LA7GIA,

Co-Leaders: Adrian KO8SCA, Cezar VE3LYC, Mike AD5A.

Team Members: Alex, K6VHF | Axel, DL6KVA | Jeff W7BRS | Jim, WB2MFU | Jun, JH4RHF | Lee, VK3GK | Mike, AB5EB | Nodir, EY8MM | Peter, LA7QIA |

Media Officer and WW Pilot: James KB2FMH

It should be noted that the total cost of this expedition is approximately $2,000,000, including all logistics, marine, aviation, insurance, safety and rescue, and Antarctic permits. However, the synergies with the small private group and with the Spirit of Sydney Antarctic Expeditions have provided enough cost sharing to make this Peter I expedition affordable, albeit still expensive. This is a rare opportunity to activate Peter I since without this cost sharing, Peter I would not be possible. At the time of activation in 2027 it will be 21 years since the last DXPedition to this island, and cost is the primary reason. 

We’re grateful for any donation that can help us sign the above contracts.

Despite it being almost 3 years until the DX-pedition time, the size of the deposit requires us to start fundraising now to be able to sign the vessel contracts.

Conditions for any donation are as follows:

  1. Should we not sign the vessel contracts anticipated next month all donations will be refunded, minus the PayPal fees.

  2. Should we sign the vessel contracts, all donations will be considered non-refundable, in the same manner as each operator’s contribution.

Your donation will enable the execution of Peter I DX-pedition in 2027. If you want to donate and make this DX-pedition a success, please use the donate button

We expect a short time of a few weeks to one month to raise the funds needed to pay our first deposit of $200,000, soon after signing the vessel contracts. DX-pedition planning will start by fall of 2025, but at this time we only raise funds to be able to pay the deposits required in 2024.


Peter I Leadership Group

Support Peter I DXpedition

Our DXpedition Sponsors

Equipment Sponsors:

We’re happy to once again thank one of the major sponsors of DXpeditions – our friends at DX Engineering.

They have offered to provide some YAGI antennas to help focus our signals around the world.

We’ll be using much of the equipment and accessories they provided for 3Y0J last February as well. 

Thanks Tim and Teri for always helping the DX community

We are happy to announce RF-KIT as our Exclusive Amplifier Sponsor for this Expedition.

The RF-KIT amplifier, made in Germany, is a solid state Amplifier capable of running on either 120 or 240 volts while delivering unparalleled performance.
It can provide the power the team needs to be heard around the world. The amplifier is lightweight and durable, qualities that are needed in an extreme environment such as that found on Peter I Island!.

Corporate Sponsors:

Club Sponsors

$1,000 – $1,999

This expedition participates in the following programs


POTA AQ-0063


Individual Donors

All donations of $100 USD or more are automatically Century Club Members

# 449 – Oct 7 / 2024 | anon 7

Entry Level Supporter, up to $49;
Mid Level Supporter, $50 to $99: standard QSL card + LoTW when cards are mailed;
Top Level (Century Club) Supporter, $100 to $149: 4-sided QSL card + LoTW within a month;
Bronze, $150 to $249: 4-sided QSL card + early LoTW (within weeks);
Silver, $250 to $499: 4-sided QSL card + express LoTW (right after DX-ped end);
Gold, $500 to $999: 4-sided QSL card + express LoTW + small gift
Platinum, $1000 and more: all benefits + team’s attention.

Century Club Platinum: $1,000 ~ $2,500


Century Club Gold: $500 ~ $999


Century Club Silver: $250 ~ $499


Century Club Bronze: $150 ~ $249


Century Club Supporters: $100 to $149


Mid-Level Supporters: $50 to $99


Entry Level Supporters: Up to $49


Questions? Our Pilot, James KB2FMH, is ready to answer!

DXpedition QSL Manager: Charles, M0OXO

Contact By Post:
Charles Wilmott
60 Church Hill
South Yorkshire

Contact By Email:
[email protected]

QSL Policy

Sponsors who donate $50 USD or more PRIOR to the DXpedition start will have their QSL card sent directly, as well LoTW confirmation. There is no need to do anything (You must have at least one contact of course) if you are a sponsor of the DXpedition. The timing of the QSL cards and LoTW will be processed according to Sponsor level.


1. OQRS Direct QSL+LoTW: via PayPal $15
Mailed anywhere in the world unlimited number of QSOs, including LoTW.

2. OQRS Bureau QSL: via PayPal $3
Mailed anywhere in the world unlimited number of QSOs. Do NOT request via the normal Bureau card services as these will NOT be answered. Only use the OQRS online service. Option for free bureau cards will be activated at the end when all other cards have been sent out.
3. Direct Mail: Send your card with sufficient return postage via the regular Direct Mail system. Suggested minimum donation is $5 for direct mail QSLs.
Please use the following mailing address for Direct Mail:

    Charles R. Wilmott (M0OXO)
    60 Church Hill
    Royston, Barnsley,
    South Yorkshire
    United Kingdom

4. Missing Call checks to be reported by using the ”Not in Log” form on OQRS.

Do NOT send Emails or Social Media requests to the Pilot or QSL Manager, they will not be answered. The ”Not In Log” form is for your convenience and is the fastest way to get your enquiry resolved.

FT8 QSOs: For FT8 QSOs there is NO “Missing Call” checks to be reported by using the ”Not in Log” form on OQRS. In other words, there no log correction for FT8. Screenshots are not accepted.

Euro bills accepted in lieu of USD. Direct QSL requests received without a return envelope or sufficient return postage will be answered via the Bureau. OQRS bureau cards will be delayed and processed last.
QSL cards and LoTW in priority order:

1. Upfront sponsors >= $50 Direct QSL + LoTW – timing according to sponsor level

2. OQRS Direct $15 – QSL cards including LoTW confirmation

3. Direct mailed cards with sufficient return postage, suggested donation $5 for unlimited QSOs (no donation required)

4. OQRS Bureau $3

5. Complete 3Y0K log will be uploaded to LoTW within 12 months

6. OQRS Bureau free cards. There will be a free OQRS Bureau card version.

LoTW will be uploaded for sponsors donating more than $50. Timing according to sponsor level

LoTW will be uploaded for those who order OQRS Direct after DXpedition end

Direct mailed cards and OQRS Bureau cards do not include LoTW, only the QSL card. Complete expedition log is planned to be uploaded to LoTW after all bureau cards have been processed.

Sorry but NO eQSL or QRZ confirmations or uploads.

IOTA credits:
QSO matching for IOTA will be delayed